

Club nights are generally held the first Thursday of every Month. They are a great way to get some racing experience in and see improvements through your times, as well as being a fun and social time for all our members to enjoy.

Squad Swimmers are expected to attend Club nights and become involved in Inter-club and Inter-district Swim Meets, Club nights are also open for our more advanced learn to swim members who want to get involved.


Our junior and senior squad members are encouraged to take part in these, with our top swimmers qualifying for top National meets. Aim high and get there.

Membership Fees: Competitive and Club swimmers are required to pay yearly Affiliation fees to Swimming NZ. You can register via the Swim NZ website Fastlane Portal, https://www.swimming.org.nz/ If you require further assistance please contact the office anytime.

The Swimming NZ website is available for all swimmers and needs to be accessed for online entries for all Club nights, Inter-club, Regional and National meets. Click here for entries and meet information.
